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Alumni Engagement

Alumni Engagement 

EPICS facilitates connections between School of Communication alumni and students, providing opportunities for connection and networking through events and programming, career courses, and individual conversations.

Please see below for a variety of ways you can engage as an alum.


A masterclass is a session led by someone who has an expert knowledge or skill in a particular area. Every masterclass has an aim or goal that students will learn or complete by the end of the session.

Industry Connect

The Northwestern community stretches far and wide. With EPICS’ Industry Connect evenings, students can see the direction their Northwestern degree can take them. Experienced alumni and professionals discuss their industry, career path, and offer advice to students in a speed networking format. Each Industry Connect event is focused on a specific industry area that aligns with our Career Communities.

Life After NU

This panel series is for students to learn from young alumni about the transition from school to industry. The goal is for our current students to hear from young professionals about their immediate steps after Northwestern and recent steps in their career. Each Life After NU event is focused on a specific industry area that aligns with our Career Communities.

Alumni/Industry Speaker Events

Speaker events are an opportunity to hear directly from an experienced and accomplished alum and/or industry professional and often include a Q&A. They provide an opportunity for students to hear from industry leaders who share about their insight and experience and offer valuable advice.

SoC Capstone (CMN 398)

A career-related course, which is a culminating school-wide requirement that empowers students to holistically reflect upon what they have learned and how they have grown through their experiences of coursework, internships, research, independent studies, employment, personal experience, creative and co-curricular activities. The course is open to juniors and seniors. The course has a “lab” component aligned by and alumni and industry guests are an important part of the class.

Alumni interested in engaging with EPICS should email